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Hart, G.J.S. 2005. Technical documentation in Canada. p. 219–232 in: J. Hennig and M. Tjarks-Sobhani (eds.), Technical communication—international. Today and in the future. Schmidt-Römhild, Lübeck, Germany. Tekom-Schriften zur Technischen Kommunikation Bd. 9. 264 p. ISBN 3-7950-7020-1 [In German: Technische Dokumentation in Kanada. p. 236–251 in J. Hennig and M. Tjarks-Sobhani (eds.), Technische Kommunikation—international. Stand und Perspektiven. Schmidt-Römhild, Lübeck, Germany. Tekom-Schriften zur Technischen Kommunikation Bd. 8. 284 p.]
Hart, G. 2005. On-screen proofreading. Intercom January:40–41.
Hart, G. 2005. Creating professional-quality training videos. Intercom February:18–22.
Hart, G. 2005. Guest editorial: Scientific technical communication. Intercom March:4.
Hart, G. 2005. The scientific method: learning from scientists. Intercom March:14–17, 47.
Hart, G. 2005. A non-foolish consistency. ["Effective onscreen editing" column] Intercom April:38–39, 41.
Hart, G. 2005. Editing in XML and SGML environments. ["Effective onscreen editing" column] Intercom May:39-41.
Hart, G.J.S. 2005. Surviving a busy year: the marathon of chapter presidency. p. 105–109 in: Proceedings, STC 52nd Annual Conference, 8–11 May 2005, Seattle, WA. Soc. Tech. Comm., Arlington, VA.
Hart, G.J.S. 2005. Improving your editing efficiency: software skills, soft skills, and survival skills. p. 364–369 in: Proceedings, STC 52nd Annual Conference, 8–11 May 2005, Seattle, Wash. Soc. Tech. Comm., Arlington, VA.
Hart, G.J. 2005. Pomo Word—an audacious, but ultimately flawed performance. http://www.techwr-l.com/techwhirl/magazine/humor/pomoword.html
Hart, G.J. 2005. Making your mark: branding and the technical communicator. http://www.techwr-l.com/techwhirl/magazine/usersadvocate/branding.html
Hart, G.J. 2005. To build effective paths, determine where your visitors want to go. http://www.techwr-l.com/techwhirl/magazine/usersadvocate/pathfinding.html
Hart, G.J. 2005. Embracing non-English linguistic communities. Tieline, 16 January 2005. http://www.stc.org/tieline/tie0501/laurent.htm#hart
Hart, G.J. 2005. The economics of STC membership: for everything else, there's Mastercard. Tieline, February 2005. http://www.stc.org/tieline/tie0502/woestendiek.htm#hart [Also published as: Hart, G.J. 2005. The economics of STC membership: for everything else, there's Mastercard. Connections, the newsletter of STC Montreal, 18 April 2005. (unpaginated)]
Hart, G.J. 2005. Être membre de la STC, c'est payant. Pour tout le reste, il y a Mastercard. Connections, le bulletin de STC Montréal, 18 avril 2005. (non paginé)
Hart, G.J. 2005. Editorial: The path of science runs not smoothly. the Exchange 12(1):2–4.
Hart, G.J. 2005. Feedback from the rechartering survey. the Exchange 12(1):4–5.
Hart, G.J. 2005. She blinded me with science. the Exchange 12(1):6.
Hart, G.J. 2005. Editorial: Overextending metaphors can lead to communication breakdowns. the Exchange 12(2):2, 6.
Hart, G.J. 2005. Editorial: Binary thinking. the Exchange 12(3):2, 8–9.
Hart, G.J. 2005. Information design in "No limits: developing scientific literacy using science fiction". http://www.stcsig.org/id/id_articles/No_limits_hart_0507.htm
Hart, G. 2005. Creating "living" policies and procedures. Intercom November:16–18.
Hart, G. 2005. Softening the blow: taking the sting out of editorial and other reviews. Intercom September/October:25–27.
Hart, G. 2005. Editing databases and spreadsheets using revision tracking. ["Effective onscreen editing" column] Intercom September/October:40–41.
Hart, G. 2005. A less-foolish consistency: more uses for concordances in editing. ["Effective onscreen editing" column] Intercom December:34–35.
Hart, G. 2005. Editorial: Quantifying the unquantifiable. the Exchange 12(4):2, 6. http://www.stcsig.org/sc/newsletter/html/2005-4.htm#editorial
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