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Publications in 2013

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Hart, G. 2013. Book review: 100 ideas that changed graphic design. Technical Communication 60(1):73.

Hart, G. 2013. Ten design principles and when to violate them. <>

Hart, G. 2013. Geeks like us: managing technical communicators based on insights gained from software developers. Intercom March:11–17.

Hart, G. 2013. Mastering Word’s tables. Copyediting June/July 2013: 10–11.

Hart, G. 2013. Effective infographics: telling stories in the technical communication context.

Hart, G. 2013. Book review: Data representations, transformations, and statistics for visual reasoning. Technical Communication 60(2):171.

Hart, G. 2013. Defining content: going beyond the explicit to find the implicit information. Intercom May:26–30.

Hart, G. 2013. Working with authors who speak English as a second language. Copyediting August/September 2013: 3–5.

Hart, G. 2013. Intuitive doesn’t mean obvious. Intercom July/August: 19–21.

Hart, G. 2013. Editing in a Web 2.0 world. Program book, 15th Annual Conference of the Society for Technical Communication India chapter.

Hart, G. 2013. Skeuomorphism: the risks and benefits of mimetic design. Intercom October:11–14.

Hart, G. 2013. Investing time to save time. Intercom November/December: 21–22.

Li Huilin; Hart G. 2013. A poetry fragment from the Grand View Tower (Kunming Daguanlou Mansion).

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