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Publications in 2017

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Hart, G. 2017. Elementary, my dear Watson: the editor as detective.

Hart, G. 2017. Book review: Assembling Arguments: Multimodal Rhetoric and Scientific Discourse. Technical Communication 64(2):177–178.

Hart, G. 2017. Book review: System: the Shaping of Modern Knowledge. Technical Communication 64(2):181.

Hart, G. 2017. Tips and tricks: Making Microsoft Word work for you.

Hart, G. 2017. How to outline your way to a better, stronger book.

Hart, G. 2017. Book review: Teach students how to learn: strategies you can incorporate into any course to improve student metacognition, study skills, and motivation. Technical Communication 64(3):259.

Hart, G. 2017. Investing time to save time: the sequel. Intercom July/August: 14–16.

Hart, G. 2017. Malcontent. Intercom July/August: 28.

Hart, G. 2017. Writing—and editing—to reduce user errors.

Hart, G. 2017. Book review: If I understood you, would I have this look on my face? My adventures in the art and science of relating and communicating. Technical Communication 64(4):366–367.

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