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Hart, G. 2022. Were Hamlet an editor. Jan. 1/2022 issue of the American Editor blog. https://americaneditor.wordpress.com/2022/01/01/were-hamlet-an-editor/
Hart, G. 2022. Book review: Getting to the Heart of Science Communication: A Guide to Effective Engagement. Technical Communication 69(1):93.
Hart, G. 2022. Book review: Tales of the Pen Master: Zen Stories for Editors, Proofreaders, and Other Publishing Professionals. Technical Communication 69(1):102-103.
Hart, G. 2022. Creating AutoCorrect entries: a description of the thought process, and many examples. Feb. 21/2022 issue of the American Editor Blog. https://americaneditor.wordpress.com/2022/02/21/
Hart, G. 2022. Crafting winning proposals. https://techwhirl.com/crafting-winning-proposals/
Hart, G. 2022. Managing your study data and the supporting documentation. Part 2 of 4: Create the necessary project files and folder (directory) structure and cleaning your data. <https://www.worldts.com/english-writing/eigo-ronbun83/index.html>
Hart, G. 2022. Managing your study data and the supporting documentation. Part 3 of 4: Data validation and custom-developed software. <https://www.worldts.com/english-writing/eigo-ronbun84/index.html>
Hart, G. 2022. Keyboard movement shortcuts for writers and editors, Part 3 of 3. Tips for customizing your keyboard. https://americaneditor.wordpress.com/2022/07/04/7624/
Hart, G. 2022. Book review: Tomorrow’s Communities: Lessons for Community-Based Transformation in the Age of Global Crises. Technical Communication 69(3):94.
Hart, G. 2022. Book review: The Art and Craft of Asian Stories: A Writer’s Guide and Anthology. Technical Communication 69(3):95.
Hart, G. 2022. Book review: Disasterology: Dispatches From the Frontline of the Climate Crisis. Technical Communication 69(3):97.
Hart, G. 2022. Book review: Pandora’s Toolbox: The Hopes and Hazards of Climate Intervention. Technical Communication 69(3):104.
Hart, G. 2022. Working in retirement. ISTC Communicator Autumn 2022: 24-25.
Hart, G. 2022. Managing your study data and the supporting documentation. Part 4 of 4: Replication files. https://www.worldts.com/english-writing/eigo-ronbun85/index.html
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