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You are here: Home (fiction) --> Short stories --> The Real Monsters
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by Geoffrey Hart
Previously published as: Hart, G. 2023. The Real Monsters. P. 43 in: Polar Borealis 25. April 2023. https://polarborealis.ca/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/POLAR-BOREALIS-25-April-2023.pdf
Tasteless, unseasoned.
Still, you persist,
Vainly sacrificing youth’s bright promise,
When mature women are so much tastier, really.
Think that by pacifying me, you keep evil far from your cozy homes?
You should pause instead, reflect on your intent.
You’d see the real monsters
Behind your eyes
Selfish, fearful:
The Fibonacci sequence is a series of numbers in which each new number equals the sum of the two previous numbers. A classic Fibonacci poem counts syllables per line rather than words per line, like in other forms of syllabic poetry. A Fibonnacci poem is usually symmetrical around the longest phrase, after which the lines count down backwards through the Fibonacci sequence. In these poems, I’ve created a slightly different form of Fibonnaci poem, based on the number of words instead of syllables. I’ve also slightly modified the sequence for the sake of symmetry. The resulting numerical sequence is (with 0 words implicit as the pause to breathe before beginning and as the silence at the end of the recitation) 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, and 13 words, then reversing to 8, 5, 3, 2, and 1 words.
I was going through a dark period when I wrote this (witness Fast Track, which appeared around the same time.) But I think we need to be reminded periodically that we can't blame everything on "monsters" and disavow our own responsibility.
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If you liked the characters or setting and want to use them in your own fiction, please do; the dialog between authors enhances the value of fiction. However, please add a suitably amended version of the following statement at the start of your story:
"The characters and setting in this story originated in [story name and URL/link], by Geoff Hart. Although Geoff encouraged adaptation of his original work, he has not reviewed my story, and the original story remains copyrighted in his name."
Then send me a link to your story, and I'll post the link here.
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