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Science SIG at the annual conference
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SIG at the annual conference
Science SIG at the annual conference
By Geoff Hart
Previously published as: Hart, G.J. 2003. Science
SIG at the annual conference. the Exchange 10(1):5.
As always, we scientific communicators will be present
at the annual conference. Here’s some preliminary
information on when and where to help you plan your
- Sunday afternoon (May 18) from 4:30 to 5:30:
The SIG business meeting is tentatively scheduled
for this time, but check your conference
program for final details. Come talk to me about
issues for the SIG, including your thoughts on the
potential merger with the ES&H SIG.
- Monday (May 19) at 11: The medical report as
a tool for teaching technical writing; Single-sourcing
benefits to the life sciences; Scientific
writing vs. scientific communication
- Monday (May 19) at 2: Certifications and credentials
for scientific editors; Communicating
science to young audiences
- Tuesday (May 20) at 11: The environmental impact
of what we do; Assessing the use of
animation in public science presentations
- Tuesday (May 20) at noon: Come join us at the
SIG networking luncheon. I’ve requested that
the organizers reserve a couple of tables,
but it would help persuade them if you can RSVP
( so I can confirm how many
of us to expect.
- Tuesday (May 20) at 2: Managing the technical
editing process
- Wednesday (May 21) at 10:30: Using GIS as a Web
communication tool
Of course, this list isn’t comprehensive,
and much of the value in attending the conference
lies in applying solutions from other disciplines
to our own unique challenges. Have a close look
at the conference program, but with an open mind,
and see if you can’t broaden this list!
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