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Vous êtes ici : Livres --> Write Faster --> Errata/additions in the 1st (2021) edition

Errata in and additions to the 1st (2021) edition of Write Faster With Your Word Processor

All corrections and additions to the book will appear on this page. If you find an error or problem that isn't included in this list, please report the problem to me so I can fix it. Comments and suggestions for improvement (including new material) are also welcome!

This page contains the following topics:

Miscellaneous points

Chapter 2. Personalize how your computer works

Chapter 4. Outlining

Chapter 6. Styles and templates

Chapter 10: Use the Internet to improve your writing

Appendix I. Develop a sound backup strategy

Appendix 2. Protect yourself from injury while using a computer

©2004–2025 Geoffrey Hart. All rights reserved.